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Get Involved at Shepherd of the Hills


Inter-generational day of quilting

     There was a inter-generational day to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. The youngest was five years of age and the oldest were in their seventies and many in-between. Many quilts were made. We had over thirty individuals attend.

     We also have a group of women who tie quilts every month. They meet the third Monday each month starting at 9 am. Anyone who would like to help make quilts for Lutheran Word Relief is welcome to attend.


Men's Coffee & Bible Study

At the present time the Men's Bible Study meets by Zoom. If you are interested in attending please call pastor for more information. They still meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursday every month at 8:30 am. It's a great way to start your day.


Youth off to Texas - Youth Convention 20

Youth Group

Here at Shepherd of the Hills our youth group is comprised of grades 6 through 12 aged youth.  Our group works on activities that strengthen their sense of stewardship, community, worship & fellowship. They shop for needy youth every year at Christmas time.  They lead worship and actively participate in worship as needed by Pastor.  They perform fund-raising efforts throughout the year so that every three years they can attend the ELCA National Youth Convention.  There are five school districts represented in our congregation, making organizing activities a challenge, but it also offers a way to build new and lasting friendships.  We are blessed with a small but active group of kids and they enjoy fantastic support from our church body.



All women members of our congregation are members of the Women of the ELCA and all Circle Units welcome participating members to  join any of the following Circle meetings.  We meet monthly to enjoy fellowship, study scriptures, participate in prayer and support each other.


ELIZABETH - 4th Wed., 9:00 am at a members home or church


WELCA supports  Lutheran World Relief Projects by creating health kits, quilts, yard goods, sewing kits, school kits and supplying other goods as needed. To see if you would like to be a part of our mission, contact any Circle chairperson or member.

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